Australian War History
Speak to your uncle Jack - Wayne Lamotte
“Speak to your Uncle Jack,” Alf added as he left to go to his weekly Sunday School visit (code for the two-up game some seven kilometres from Kalgoorlie) on Sunday afternoon. His slightly curtish reply was in response to my query as to what he did in in World War

AWH - The Timor Series Podcast
This section is for all podcasts on Timor during World War 2.

AWH - Mick Malone
All podcasts in the Mick Malone Series

Neil Davis - A Road Less Travelled By
The current Neil Davis podcasts for Australian War History

Alf’s Stories - Wayne Lamotte
There it was! Almost exactly as he had described it! Back all of those years ago as we sat at the blue laminex table eating the 5000th chop, potato, peas and carrots meal of that winter, Dad’s words had shaken the foundations of an ever-distracted adolescent mind just a

Around the Blue Laminex Table
Two chapters from the book my father wrote: Around the Blue Laminex Table.